Get Hard Drive Serial Number Delphi Rating: 7,9/10 6763 reviews

Well the component I mentioned works with D5,D6 and D7. Here is the list of what computerinfo you get. >I was looking for code that would work with Delphi6 using a Windows 98SE platform. Try this function, it'll work in win98SE function GetBiosInfoAsText: string; var p, q: pchar; begin q:= nil; p:= PChar(Ptr($FE000)); repeat if q  nil then begin if not (p^ in [#10, #13, #32.#126, #169, #184]) then begin if (p^ = #0) and (p - q >= 8) then begin Result:= Result + TrimRight(String(q)) + #13#10; end; q:= nil; end; end else if p^ in [#33.#126, #169, #184] then q:= p; inc(p); until p > PChar(Ptr($FFFFF)); Result:= TrimRight(Result); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Text:= GetBiosInfoAsText; end; Regards Azhdari.

I'm looking for a routine to obtain the hard drive serial number that will work in protected mode. The following routine works in real mode, but crashes the.

Michael Gurnett wrote: >Is there an easy way to obtain the hard drive serial number (the factory ID, not the one created by windows). Google is your friend.

License key for matlab 2013 b license torrent free. The only 'easy' way would be to download a library that does it for you. DiskID32: Code and interesting links near bottom of page Otherwise, you could use C# and wmi_HD Then, there's this: Win32_PhysicalMedia Class