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Dom na Komni and Koca pod Bogatinom Mountain Hut - Dom na Komni Mountain Hut (1520 metres) is situated in the eastern edge of plateau Komna, which is sweeping steeply into. Paketi na godišnjem nivou sa cenom od 2.990din. 1990 din na godišnjem nivou. Recommendations and Reviews. Recommended by 1 person. Jednom iskoristio i bilo je sve ok. April 18, 2018. Sve preporuke!! April 11, 2018. Preporuka svima!! April 11, 2018.

Teme za sastav su The best job for me i The personal I trust most ja bih u ovoj drugoj temi pisala o mami tako da tema moze biti i My mum. Pisite sto pre mozete,treba mi za sutra, hitno je! Unapred hvala! I like to call her mother. She always sleeps during the day.

I like to sneak into her room and listen to the snoring. Most of the days she reeks of beer. Around dinner she wakes up and has breakfast while i dine. Then she usually sends me off to bed, and her friends start coming over. Oddly all her friends are male, and most of them don't know her name.

She likes to play with them in the bedroom, sometimes it gets loud so i like to sleep with my head under the pillow. I suspect my mother might be a lady of the night. I shall call her Dark Knight. Evo ti druga tema:*.

Mozel ko provjerit tacnost teksta molim vas potrebno mi je odma There is a big difference between teenagers this,present time,and teenagers in the past.This is because over time changed the whole society, their way of living, their styles of dressing, music type, the parents changed much. These are all reasons of varying behavior of teenagers.

For example, todays teenagers spend much time on computer, more than with friends. They are:awake late into the night,learn poor,exhausted, disorganized. That was not case with their predecessors. They,when were their age, had to know exactly, when to go sleep,when to wake up, when to work, when to rest, but not with computers,already with their friends.Today, teenagers have much more free time,than their predecessors.Their predecessors are must to help they parents with their jobs.These jobs were very hard, and exhausting.

Nowadays teenagers are spared these kind of jobs. But, they have some good things. We have so many volunteers, many humanitarian concerts for raising money for social cases, these stuff were not have previous teenagers.

Some use internet for education,to help other people,or other people help to them.Nowadays teenagers have some good and bad things but i thing they are better then their predecessors in their age. Mozel ko provjerit tacnost teksta molim vas potrebno mi je odma There is a big difference between teenagers living here now, present time in the present, and teenagers in the past. This is because as time changed the whole society The reasons why this is happening is not only did the time change the whole society but their way of living, their styles of dressing, music type and, the parents changed much as well. These are all the reasons of varying behavior of teenagers. For example, todays teenagers Teenagers spend too much time on the computer nowadays, more than with their friends.

They are: awake late into the night, learn poor bad students, exhausted, disorganized. That was not the case with their predecessors.

They had to know exactly when to go sleep, when to wake up, when to work, when to rest, but not on the computers, already but with their friends when were their age. Today, Teenagers have much more free time than their predecessors did.Their predecessors are must to help they had to help their parents with their jobs.These jobs were very hard, and exhausting. Nowadays teenagers are spared these kinds of jobs nowadays.

But, they have some good things. We have so many volunteers, many humanitarian charity concerts that raise money for social cases, these stuff were not have previous teenagers. Previous teenagers did not have any of these things. Some use the internet for education, to help other people, or other people help to them helping other people or getting help for themselves. Nowadays Teenagers have some good and bad things nowadays, but i thing I think that they are better then than their predecessors in their age. Pomoc pliz Ovo mi je upalo u oko. Kasno je pa mi je možda nešto i promaklo.

Umesto da napisem ovaj sastav, mogla sam da sednem ispred masine koja je postala najvredniji izum-kompjuter-i nadjem odgovarajuci tekst na internetu. Rukovodstvo po remontu pezho 5008. Internet je postao jedan od najvaznijih u nasem zivotu, nemoguce je zamisliti kako bismo funkcionisali baz njega. Ne bismo mogli da se informisemo o vaznim stvarima: Vremenu, dogadjajima, izgubili bismo kontakt sa drugim ljudima.

Nekada je bilo potrebno ici u biblioteke ako bismo hteli da nadjemo informacije o bilo cemu, a sada je dovoljno da pritisnemo nekoliko dugmica. Ali na internetu vrebaju mnoge opasnosti, od kradje informacija do potpunog unistenja kompjuterskog sistema. Iako je internet najveca prednost modernog doba, on mu moze naneti veliku stetu na mnogo nacina; na njemu bilo ko moze naci sadrzaj kakav ga zanima ali se takodje moze i potpuno iskljuciti iz sveta i izgubiti sve vidove komunikacije osim preko kompjutera. Da li neko moze ovo da mi prevede:D HITNO mi treba:).